Ultra-V Lift: Ultimate Uplift
Revolutionary way to lift the skin on the neck, jawline, mid-face area, and to fill in under the eyes

The face in youth is V-shaped. Over time the effects of aging and gravity convert the face to an aged A-shape. Ultra-V Lift Ultimate Uplift is now available at Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar. These dissolving sutures are inserted through pinholes. By stimulating collagen synthesis, enhancing volume, shaping and lifting they provide a revolutionary non-surgical method to restore a young V-shaped face.
Ultra-V Lift threads are made of PDO (polydioxanone) material similar to that used in absorbable monofilament surgical sutures. As they dissolve over a period of 4-6 months, the Ultimate Uplift threads continuously stimulate collagen synthesis and generate new connective tissue under the skin leaving nothing behind but the skin structure that has been created.
Single Ultra-V Lift threads can be used instead of Hyaluronic Acid (HCA) Fillers to treat deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines and can also be used to eliminate troublesome neck and lip lines that are usually not amenable to treatment with fillers. Results can be expected to last an additional 15-24 months after the sutures have been reabsorbed for a total effect lasting 2-2 ½ years. Thereafter, it is possible to repeat the procedure.
By inserting multiple Ultra-V Lift threads under the skin in a “mesh” pattern a MESH can be created to fill in cheek hollows and other areas of facial volume loss. The MESH acts as a temporary scaffold for the skin stimulating the generation of collagen and new soft tissue volume around the network of threads as they dissolve. This eliminates volume loss and helps to hold the skin against the ongoing effects of gravity. Through the process of reabsorption, the MESH gradually and naturally causes lost collagen and soft tissue to regenerate creating volume and adding definition to the patient’s features.
Ultra-V Lift sutures are introduced into the skin in vectors through pinhole punctures. Once inserted they reshape the face by lifting and supporting sagging structures. Like all Ultra-V Lift threads, the sutures absorb over a period of 4-6 months leaving nothing behind other than new soft tissue strengthened with collagen and elastin. The lift and shaping created with Ultra-V Lift sutures continues for an additional 15-24 months for a total effect lasting 2-2 ½ years. Thereafter, it is possible to repeat the procedure.

Ultra-V Lift threads are safe and efficient. Volume enhancement is visibly apparent within 1-2 weeks after placement of Ultra-V Lift threads. After that, you can expect to see progressive improvement as the threads dissolve over a period of 4-6 months. With Ultra-V Lift sutures, the lift is apparent immediately after insertion. Ultra-V Lift threads are not visible or felt by the patient. They are inserted through pinholes and leave no visible cuts or scars. No special preparation is required before treatment and there is no downtime. Ultra-V Lift threads are broken down by hydrolysis. Ultra-V Lift threads are inert and do not cause antigenic or pyrogenic reactions. Some bruising may occur but it is unusual. As they dissolve, Ultra-V Lift threads stimulate neo-collagenesis which strengthens connective tissue and tightens skin through “net effect”. The collagen remodeling effects are cumulative when several or multiple Ultra-V Lift threads are placed.
Ultra-V Lift threads can be used minimize fixed glabellar lines, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lip lines, forehead lines, and neck lines. Ultra-V Lift threads can also be used to define the vermillion border and increase lip volume (see before and after photos). Creation of a mesh provides an ideal means of restoring lost volume in the cheeks and other hollowed areas. Ultimate Uplift Ultra-V Lift can be performed on a drooping forehead, brows, temples, lower face, jaw-line and/or neck. Ultra-V Lift also provides an effective nonsurgical means of performing a “tummy tuck”. Other areas that may be amenable to treatment with Ultra-V Lift include sagging breasts, buttocks, and thighs.
June 15, 2020