The O-Shot
Do You Wish There Was A Way To Rejuvenate Your Sex Life and Your Marriage?

Get Your Sexy Back! With The O-Shot®
The Orgasm Shot®/ O Shot® is a simple, nonsurgical, physician-administered treatment that can temporarily augment and rejuvenate the Grafenburg spot (G-Spot), clitoris, and labia. The Orgasm Shot® involves isolation of PRP (platelet rich plasma) followed by a very specific method of amplifying or augmenting the vaginal tissues with injection of that PRP. More than 85% of women reported a dramatic improvement in their sex life and urinary continence.
Q: Who Is A Good Candidate For This Procedure?
A: Women who are troubled by frequent urinary urgency with or without incontinence who do not have a large cystocoele or rectocele. Also, women who are not enjoying sex as much as they used to.
Only members of the O-Shot® provider group know how to perform the procedure and own the license to use the name. Dr. Laurel has been personally trained and certified by Dr. Runels in this procedure.
The O-Shot: Explained By Dr. Laurel
Do You Wish There Was A Way To Rejuvenate Your Sex Life and Your Marriage?
Do You Wish There Was A Non-Surgical Way To Fix Urinary Leaks?
Visit the Official O-Shot® Website for more information.