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Frequently Asked Questions
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​SO WHAT EXACTLY IS PRP?Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a concentrated sample of your own blood comprised primarily of High levels of platelets. Platelets are a critical component of the wound healing process. In response to tissue injury, the platelets release important growth factors that are responsible for stimulating tissue regeneration and repair. Growth factors derived from platelets are responsible for soft tissue repair, bone regeneration, development of new blood vessels, and stimulation of the wound healing process. At Dr. Laurel's Bar®, we unleash the power of your PRP in a variety of innovative procedures. We have now implemented the Emcyte Pure Spin System to recover the highest quality, PRP from our patients’ blood. The Emcyte PurePRP® system recovers up the highest percentage of platelets and corresponding growth factors—4-6X the amount of platelets and growth factors found in whole blood. The Emcyte PurePRP® System is FDA Approved and has been used safely in over 1 million procedures to date and counting.
WHO'S A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR PRP?Dr. Laurel will consult with you personally so that you can determine if PRP is right for you.
WHAT IS PLATELET-RICH PLASMA?Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma, also known as PRP, is a high concentration of your own platelets in a small volume of plasma.
HOW DOES PRP ACTUALLY WORK?Platelets and growth factors are primary component of PRP. PRP also contains other cellular components such as mononuclear white blood cells and peripheral stem cells. These key components also play a biological role in the healing process. Platelet growth factors support multiple key processes including stem cell recruitment, angiogenesis, cell proliferation and differentiation, and connective tissue regeneration. The stem cells identified by the CD34+ marker aid in angiogenesis and tissue regeneration. PRP has been used clinically for over a decade. PRP is derived from a small quantity of your own blood drawn at the time of treatment under sterile conditions. Because PRP is made from your own blood it is insulated against the risk of disease transmission and inflammatory immune responses. After harvesting, your PRP is injected at the point of care unleashing its regenerative power to produce outstanding results.
HOW DOES DR. LAUREL OBTAIN THE PRP?Step 1: Utilizing a specialized blood collection tube, Dr. Laurel draws a small amount of blood similar to what is required for a basic lab test. Step 2: The tube is then placed into a centrifuge which spins the blood at a very high speed, causing the platelets to separate from the other components of the blood. Step 3: Once the platelets are concentrated into the plasma they can be applied to the patient. Activation causes platelets to release essential growth factors and signaling proteins, which are responsible for the wound-healing process.
WHAT ARE THE GROWTH FACTORS AND EFFECTS?Growth factors play an important role in many processes such as coagulation, immune response, angiogenesis and the healing of damaged tissues. Numerous proteins are contained in the alpha-granules of platelets including: Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) Promotes angiogenesis, which is the physiological process involving the synthesis of new blood vessels. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) An important signaling protein involved in both angiogenesis, promoting the growth of blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) Promotes Tissue repair, cell growth, collagen production, hyaluronic acid production. Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) Attracts macrophages and fibroblasts to the application site. Promotes collagen growth and proteoglycan synthesis and the formation of the extracellular mix, also known as fibrin mesh. Platelet-Derived Angiogenesis Factor (PDAF) Induces growth and generation of new vascular endothelial cells. Platelet Factor Interleukin (IL) Initiates and regulates some of the earliest phases of the inflammatory response, induces endothelial adhesion. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Promotion of epithelial cell growth, angiogenesis, promotion of wound healing. Insulin-Like Growth Factor (ICF) A growth hormone. Promotes angiogenesis, granulation, and epithelialization. Fibronectin Binds extracellular matrix components including collagen, fibrin. Collagen Stimulating Growth Factor Activates fibroblast differentiation. Induces collagen and proteoglycan synthesis for repair of cells and growth of healthy tissue. Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF) Induces keratinocyte migration, differentiation, and proliferation
HOW LONG DOES THE PRP PROCESS TAKE?The blood draw takes just a couple of minutes, followed immediately by a 10-minute centrifugation. The time involved in the application varies based on which procedure is being performed.
HOW MANY PRP SESSIONS ARE REQUIRED?Dr. Laurel will create a treatment plan based on your individual needs.
CAN A PRP PROCEDURE BE PAINFUL?PRP is close to a physiologic pH, which means the product is less likely to cause a stinging or burning sensation. There may be some temporary discomfort or possible redness and inflammation at the application site, but this quickly resolves.
IS PRP SAFE?Since the autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is produced from a patient’s own blood, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection.
WHY DO YOU NOT LIST THE PRICES ONLINE?Dr. Laurel considers the cost of medical procedures a matter of patient privacy barring any such advertisement. We are happy to discuss pricing with our potential patients.
WHAT DOES A TYPICAL RESULTS TIMELINE LOOK LIKE?Most Patients will see immediate results with the under-eye rejuvenation, vampire facial and vampire facelift. However, all PRP face procedures show progressive benefits over a period of three months. You cannot expect to experience the full benefit immediately.
WHAT DEFINES EMCYTE PUREPRP?The Emcyte PurePRP® System delivers the optimal concentration of platelets and growth factors necessary to promote accelerated healing. Emcyte PurePRP® contains elevated levels of all your naturally occurring growth factors; these growth factors are maintained in precisely the same ratios found circulating in your body. Many other products simply don’t deliver platelets and growth factors at high enough concentrations to facilitate angiogenesis—a biological process critical to healing. Normally there are 200,000 platelets/uL in human blood. The Emcyte Pure Spin system optimally concentrates platelets generating up to 1.5 million platelets/uL of PRP. Increasing the concentration of platelets increases the amount of available bioactive protein growth factors and acts as a catalyst for stimulating and accelerating the wound healing process. PRP produced using the Emcyte Pure Spin System delivers the highest concentration and yield of platelets when compared to 12 other PRP systems. Emcyte PurePRP® also retains the stem-cell-rich mononuclear WBC fraction (as evidenced by CD34+ counts) lost using other methods of PRP concentration.
FEATURES & BENEFITS OF EMCYTE PUREPRP®​Simple: Automated processing.Consistently and reproducibly generates the optimal concentration of platelets, growth factors and mononuclear CD 34+ WBs required for tissue regeneration. Superior: Optimal platelet recovery 80% ± 10%. Safe: Biologically closed system. Follows AABB guidelines for cell separation. Meets state of the art requirements for sterility testing. Convenient Procedure: Takes less than 30 minutes. Patient Friendly: Zero risk, utilizes a small volume (30-60 ml) of blood.
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