Beth Newcomb

As a Cleveland area leader in aesthetic medicine, Dr. Laurel Matthews, a board-certified physician with over 33 years of experience and the owner of Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, is constantly searching for new and better ways to deliver results to her patients. That’s why Dr. Laurel is thrilled to announce the addition of the remarkable TruSculpt iD to her practice, which joins her current TruSculpt 3D method of permanently eliminating stubborn fat.
As her practice has grown, she’s added radio frequency-based procedures like TruSculpt to her service list, which also includes the remarkable Vivace RF.
TruSculpt 3D, a revolutionary method of fat elimination and skin tightening for stubborn fat on the tummy, thighs, back, under the chin, on the arms and more, was launched earlier this year to rave reviews.
“We’ve already melted away hundreds of pounds of fat,” Dr. Laurel proclaims. But that just wasn’t enough.
The time it takes to perform a traditional TruSculpt 3D procedure is about an hour and a half. That’s a big commitment for busy professionals who may only have a few minutes available.
“The up-to-the-minute technology behind TruSculpt iD means we can now treat the entire abdomen, including love handles, in just 15 minutes,” Dr. Laurel explains.
“You can schedule your treatment during a lunch hour and be back to work, or resume your normal activities, in no time.”
The TruSculpt iD, like the 3D, harnesses the power of radio frequency to melt away fat and tighten skin.
“The new technology operates at a comfortable temperature and incorporates multiple handpieces, which allows me to treat all of your problem areas at once,” she explains.
With both TruSculpt methods, fat is heated and then immediately begins to dissolve. It is then metabolized and eliminated. In fact, you can expect to see a 24 percent permanent reduction in fat at the treated area 12 weeks following your appointment.
There is little to no pain, no downtime, and almost everyone is a candidate. Once the fat is removed, unlike with fat freezing methods, no additional procedure is required to tighten the overlying skin.
And the best part is, although she’s upgraded her TruSculpt offerings, Dr. Laurel continues to maintain her affordable pricing structure.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Laurel Matthews, of Dr. Laurel’s PRP Bar, by calling 216-245-6682. The Cleveland area office is located at 3439 W. Brainard Rd., Suite 107, in Beachwood, Ohio, at the corner of Chagrin Blvd. and W. Brainard. Hours are by appointment with evenings and weekends available. Gift certificates also available.